Investigation of a fuel cell (FC) system for vehicle

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


The limited availability of fossil fuels, the technical challenges associated with existing vehicles, and their emissions, have made the study of efficient energy converters and clean fuels a top priority for research centers and automobile companies worldwide. Using a hybrid or non-hybrid FC system conventional vehicles can address some of their existing problems. Therefore, this study investigates a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane FC (PEMFC) system for vehicle applications. Modeling is performed using MATLAB software. According to the specifications of real-world samples, system components including stack, hydrogen and air humidifier, air compressor, humidifier pump, and cooling pump are modeled. The results indicate that 14% of the power generated by the FC stack is consumed by the peripheral components. In the basic state at a current density of j=0.7 A/cm2, the total efficiency of the system is 48.15%, while the net efficiency is 34.3%. By fully condensing the water vapor exiting the stack and using it to humidify the reactors, the need for an additional water tank is eliminated. For j<0.047 A/cm2, the stack cannot provide sufficient power for the system components, necessitating an auxiliary energy source, such as a battery, to start operation.


Main Subjects

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