Energy Management Simulation in a PEM Fuel Cell System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Babol Noshirvani University of Technology

2 K. N. Toosi University of Technology


In this research the simulation of an air independent Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) propulsion system was taken into consideration. The system consists of several parts including PEM fuel cell stack, metal hydride and liquid oxygen (LOX) tanks, and also pre-heaters of oxygen and hydrogen gases along with other heat exchangers, to ensure proper operation of system. The heat recovery system was used in order to cool the PEM fuel cell stack and use its wasted heat effectively in other sections to increase the overall efficiency of the propulsion system. In this study, an appropriate design for heat recovery system with consideration of operation conditions and overall performance was done. In addition, the operation of the whole of energy management system by utilizing the wasted heat from the PEMFC has been simulated, and the effects of operating parameters such as different PEMFC power, its operating temperature and cooling water mass flow rate were investigated and discussed.


Main Subjects

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